Sunday, July 15, 2007

I am sick of being tired and emotional....

So this is not one of those fun, nice or cheeky posts. It's has been a long weekend and I am tired. If you don't know me that well, when I get tired I get over emotional. (I am an emotional guy to start with so when I'm tired it gets worse.) Anywho, it was definitely a good weekend in God terms because Andy gave a great talk and it touched me and opened my eyes to something I need to take care of. I got the pleasure of playing bass and had a blast doing it.

Anyway that's just to say that I need to take care of myself more often and rely on God for my strength.

If you ever see me tired or stressed out do two things a. Pray for me and 2. steer clear or at least try to.

I love my friends and know that God has put them in my life for a reason.

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