Wednesday, May 14, 2008


OK, So I have been thinking about some things lately and I am going to voice some of my thoughts here.

Since when does what "man" thinks about me matter. The only person's approval I am looking for in this life is God's. Now hear me out on this one, I do realize that I will never live up to God's standards and will need his grace all my life but I still rely too much on the approval of "man." Why do we do this? Why do we care about what others think of us?

I am starting to believe that if one worries all day about what his fellow "man" thinks of them, haven't we already missed the mark. What would a world look like where we were all searching for God and not worrying about what our fellow man was thinking about us. Now this could lead people to believe that I am talking about being disrespectful to our fellow man, but I AM NOT. I am simpling putting that we should respect our elders and those who God has put in authority over us, but does that mean we have to live for their approval, I say no.

I say that if we are seeking God's design for our life and chasing after that and God at the same time then aren't we living out our life for God.

What if God put you on this earth to push envelopes, push on people's comfort levels, and just stir things up? What if your purpose on this earth is to do the exact opposite? What if . . . . .you fill in the blank. God created every one of his children in a unique and beautiful design. I thank God for the way he has put me together. I thank God for the way he has put others in my life together.

No matter what God has in store for me next I will accept his challenge with honor, respect and a drive that is unmatched. I believe that God is going to use me for a purpose and that purpose is to change the norm. . . . . .in my life, in other people's lifes, in the local church and in the world.

Questions, Comments, Angry exhortations?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that God uses other people to sharpen us. Sometimes we say "I'm only looking for God's approval" as an excuse not to take criticism and work on our rough edges. The easy answer is God made me to 'stir things up' when really your being a jerk. I had a guy tell me once that he "just tells it like it is. I don't care if people don't like it, I'm being real". When really he was a jerk without discretion.