Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Good Weekend.

It was another awesome youth weekend. The kids did awesome, the lights looked B.A. (thanks to Brunson, I'm so gonna miss you.)

Randall was freakin' on fire, melting faces all over the place. I loved every ounce of the weekend yet I am glad it is over. It's hard work on all of us.

I am once again going to the gym and loving it. I haven't been since camp and needed to go. I wish it was easier to get to the gym. I just don't have much motivation besides the fact that my body is not my own, it's God's and if I don't take care of it I am letting him down.

I am thinking that I need to figure out what I really want to do with my life. Since my dreams are still dreams and not reality yet. Please pray for me and all those like me. Please pray for everyone you know in pain or who is suffering right now.

One of my favorite parts of Randall's message was when he was talking about his dad praying for his future wife. It made me miss having an earthly father but every service I was reminded that I have a father who wants the best for me and my future wife.

So what happens next? I don't know but I am trusting God, delighting in him, and looking forward to the adventure He has laid out for me................

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